Return Policy
From the shipping date, you have 30 days to submit your return request through this form using your order number and email address. Items must be returned in the same condition as received. Once your request is submitted, you’ll receive the return label by email, and refunds will be processed to your original payment method or via an IBAN account.
Please note that Aptyca does not cover delivery logistics fees, and shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping cost is €6.99. Additionally, returns are not accepted if an exchange has already been processed for the item.
Once your returned item arrives at our warehouse, it will undergo an inspection. We reserve the right to accept or reject returns based on their condition. Items in poor condition (e.g., stained, damaged, or unrelated to our store) will not be refunded or exchanged. In such cases, no refunds or replacements will be issued.